
fixed the subject. Of course I do have trouble with the current stable release 


Am 08.04.2012 um 19:18 schrieb Christian Rößner 

> Hi,
> more information:
>> Mac OS X iCal 10.7.4 (Dev-Preview) and Thunderbird ESR
>> iPad 3
>> iPhone 4S
>> I have configured CalDAV and CardDAV on all devices. Everything is doing 
>> fine here.
>> eroessner has:
>> Microsoft Win 7 with Thunderbird ESR
>> Android with CalDAV and CardDAV
>> iPad 2
> for some tests, I cleaned the session cache. I stopped memcache, sogod and 
> made a delete from sogo_sessions_folder; After that I started the services 
> again. For one moment all devices got 401 codes followed by 207 as expected 
> and I thought I fixed the problem. Then I simply took one device, in this 
> case the Thunderbird 10 ESR client on Windows 7 and removed 2 calendar 
> entries. In exactly this moment all my devices for the other user got 404 
> messages again. So I directly opened Safari and logged in with the broken 
> user. And ta ta ta :) All calendars worked again for this user and the other 
> one is broken again.
> So there is really something broken with the sessions but I do not know what. 
> And why does nobody else have this problem?
> Do you have some debugging tipps for me or what could cause problems like 
> this?
> Many thanks again for reading (and hopefully helping...)
> -Christian Rößner
> ---
> Roessner-Network-Solutions
> Bachelor of Science Informatik
> Nahrungsberg 81, 35390 Gießen
> F: +49 641 5879091, M: +49 176 93118939
> USt-IdNr.: DE225643613
> http://www.roessner-network-solutions.com

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