
I tried the SOGo 2 nighlty build via rpm's for RHEL5 on my Centos 5.8 setup.

yum updated/installed everything without complaints. (I installed it over my 1.3.14)

I followed the steps from the pdf (SOGo Native Microsoft Outlook Configuration.pdf <http://www.sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGo%20Native%20Microsoft%20Outlook%20Configuration.pdf> (PDF) For SOGo version 2.0.0rc1)

Sogo is still working, I can see my agenda and adressbook. The mail is gone but I read somewhere I have to reboot.

That is not my problem.

I need to include some file in my named.conf.

Now I only have a caching nameserver so I havbe a named.caching-nameserver.conf file.

I added the include lines but when restarting I get this error:

/var/lib/samba4/private/named.conf:11: unknown option 'dlz'
/var/lib/samba4/private/named.conf.update:2: unknown option 'update-policy'

Which makes sense coz I run the stock centos 5 bind (9.3..)

The instruction don't say anything about this.

Do I need a better bind or do I needs special version or plugins?




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