Hello  Anand Shah

On 2012-05-16 12:16, ANAND SHAH wrote:
> I am getting the below erro while trying to login to a SOGo web Interface. 
> 2012-05-16 15:42:04.358 sogod[15888] -[NGInternetSocketAddress _fillHost]: 
> couldn't lookup host ..
> 2012-05-16 15:42:04.358 sogod[15888] could not get DNS name of address 
> in domain <InternetDomain[0x0x23a8da8]>: 2
> May 16 15:42:04 sogod [15888]: SOGoRootPage successful login for user 'sogo' 
> - expire = -1  grace = -1
> May 16 15:42:04 sogod [15888]: [ERROR] <0x0x253a468[LDAPSource]> Could not 
> bind to the LDAP server localhost (3389) using the bind DN: 
> uid=Administrator,ou=users,dc=rediffmailpro,dc=net
> - - [16/May/2012:15:42:04 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 
> 200 27/62 0.094 - - 0
> 2012-05-16 15:42:04.817 sogod[15888] -[NGInternetSocketAddress _fillHost]: 
> couldn't lookup host ..
> 2012-05-16 15:42:04.817 sogod[15888] could not get DNS name of address 
> in domain <InternetDomain[0x0x23a8da8]>: 2
> May 16 15:42:04 sogod [15888]: [ERROR] <0x0x253a468[LDAPSource]> Could not 
> bind to the LDAP server localhost (3389) using the bind DN: 
> uid=Administrator,ou=users,dc=rediffmailpro,dc=net
> May 16 15:42:04 sogod [15888]: [ERROR] <0x0x253a468[LDAPSource]> Could not 
> bind to the LDAP server localhost (3389) using the bind DN: 
> uid=Administrator,ou=users,dc=rediffmailpro,dc=net
> May 16 15:42:04 sogod [15888]: [ERROR] <0x0x253a468[LDAPSource]> Could not 
> bind to the LDAP server localhost (3389) using the bind DN: 
> uid=Administrator,ou=users,dc=rediffmailpro,dc=net
> - - [16/May/2012:15:42:04 GMT] "GET /SOGo/sogo HTTP/1.1" 404 
> 33/0 0.076 - - 0

Do you really have an LDAP server listening on Port 3389 ?

Normally it is listening on Port 389.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz

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