
I had asked for a problem concerning bindAsCurrentUser here a while ago. Now I 
have set up a fresh server and I activated bindAsCurrentUser too, to see if 
this bug comes up on a new server as well. But everything works as expected.

Now my question:

When I first installed SOGo for myself, I had a special subtree in my LDAP-DIT:


wher my user where named 


We started populating the server with addresses and calendar data, but after 
some time I thought by myself that this subtree is duplicate data in my DIT, as 
I also have similar objects in


Unfortunately the user objects had different "relative distinguished names" 
names. So uid=croessner was called uid=de10000 and uid=eroessner was called 

To not lose all my data, I added uniqueIdentifier to each objects, 
uniqueIdentifier=croessner and uniqueIdentifier=eroessner. And then I tried to 
use bindAsCurrentUser to have a chance of changing my password as user over the 
web interface.

Here is a part of my own uid=de10000, which shows the facts above:

dn: uid=de10000,ou=people,ou=it,dc=roessner-net,dc=de
rnsMSQuota: 5242880
homePhone: +49 641 5879091
givenName: Christian
objectClass: amavisAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: rnsMSDovecotAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: rnsMSPostfixAccount
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: calEntry
rnsMSEnableDovecot: TRUE
uid: de10000
street: Nahrungsberg 81
rnsMSMailboxHome: /var/mail/virtual/de10000
rnsMSEnablePostfix: TRUE
amavisLocal: TRUE
rnsMSDeliverToAddress: de10...@srvint.net
rnsMSRecipientAddress: c...@roessner-network-solutions.com
rnsMSRecipientAddress: christ...@roessner-net.com
amavisSpamKillLevel: 2.4
amavisSpamTag2Level: 2.4
rnsMSDovecotUser: de10...@srvint.net
userPassword:: ************
sn:: UsO2w59uZXI=
l:: R2llw59lbg==
o:: UsO2w59uZXItTmV0d29yay1Tb2x1dGlvbnM=
mail: c...@roessner-network-solutions.com
cn:: Q2hyaXN0aWFuIFLDtsOfbmVy
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +49 641 33053909
mobile: +49 176 93118939
st: Hessen
labeledURI: http://www.roessner-network-solutions.com/
ou: Administration
postalCode: 35390
uniqueIdentifier: croessner

So you see that the rdn part croessner moved to uniqueIdentifier in this object 
still identifying the same old user.

Now my question: Does SOGo use part of the DN to create the SQL-databases or 
handle the session stuff? If so that would explain, why I still can use SOGo 
with some global admin LDAP user, but not with bindAsCurrentUser. And if so, is 
there a chance to rename the tables that this matches again?

I also have backups created by sogo-tool. Are these data useable to purge all 
tables and restore from that backup or are even these backups now corrupted?

I really would be happy for some help here, as I fear of creating all my 
contacts and calendar information from scratch

Thanks a lot in advance

-Christian Rößner

Bachelor of Science Informatik
Nahrungsberg 81, 35390 Gießen
F: +49 641 5879091, M: +49 176 93118939
USt-IdNr.: DE225643613

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