Hello Hartmut Raithel

On 2012-06-14 17:03, Hartmut Raithel wrote:
> I’m running SOGo version 1.3.16-1 on a Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS System and
> sogo is running well, in general.
> The SW Versions (prebuild from Ubuntu repository)are:
> sogo@sh-sogodev01:~/backup/2012-06-14_1455$ dpkg -l |grep sogo
> sogo                                1.3.16-1                                  
> libsope-appserver4.9          4.9.r1664.20120601      SOPE application server 
> libraries
> libsope-core4.9               4.9.r1664.20120601      Core libraries of the 
> SOPE application serve
> libsope-gdl1-4.9              4.9.r1664.20120601      GNUstep database 
> libraries for SOPE
> libsope-ldap4.9               4.9.r1664.20120601      SOPE libraries for LDAP 
> access
> libsope-mime4.9               4.9.r1664.20120601      SOPE libraries for MIME 
> processing
> libsope-xml4.9                4.9.r1664.20120601      SOPE libraries for XML 
> processing
> sope4.9-gdl1-mysql            4.9.r1664.20120601      MySQL connector for 
> SOPE's fork of the GNUst
> sope4.9-gdl1-postgresql       4.9.r1664.20120601      ̇̇̇PostgreSQL connector 
> for SOPE's fork of the 
> sope4.9-libxmlsaxdriver       4.9.r1664.20120601      XML Parser for SOPE's 
> SAX engine
> gnustep-base-common           1.19.3-1ubuntu1         GNUstep Base library - 
> common files
> gnustep-base-runtime          1.19.3-1ubuntu1         GNUstep Base library
> gnustep-common                2.2.0-1                 Common files for the 
> core GNUstep environmen
> gnustep-make                  2.2.0-1                 Basic GNUstep Makefiles
> libgnustep-base1.19           1.19.3-1ubuntu1         GNUstep Base library
> libsope-gdl1-4.9              4.9.r1664.20120601      GNUstep database 
> libraries for SOPE

I don't see package sogo-tool here.
Did you upgrade that as well?

> In case of the user has deleted some appointments after the backup, the
> restore fails with segfault:
> sogo@sh-sogodev01:~/backup/2012-06-14_1455$ sogo-tool restore -f
> Calendar/personal . aaasys08
> Jun 14 15:12:46 sogo-tool [15238]: <0x0x82db948[SOGoCache]> Cache
> cleanup interval set every 1.000000 seconds
> Jun 14 15:12:46 sogo-tool [15238]: <0x0x82db948[SOGoCache]> Using
> host(s) 'localhost' as server(s)
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.422 sogo-tool[15238] PostgreSQL72 connection
> established: <0x0x81baa58[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x8369a50>
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.422 sogo-tool[15238] PostgreSQL72 channel
> 0x0x832d680 opened (connection=<0x0x81baa58[PGConnection]: 
> connection=0x0x8369a50>)
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.422 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: SELECT
> c_folder_id, c_path, c_location, c_quick_location, c_acl_location,
> c_folder_type FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path1 = 'Users' AND c_path2
> = 'aaasys08' AND c_path3 = 'Calendar' AND c_path4 = 'personal'
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.432 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: UPDATE
> sogo_folder_info SET c_foldername = 'Persönlicher Kalender' WHERE c_path
> = '/Users/aaasys08/Calendar/personal'
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.435 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: BEGIN
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.435 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: DELETE FROM
> sogoaaasys08004000ea9ed_acl
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.436 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: COMMIT
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.437 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: BEGIN
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.437 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: INSERT INTO
> sogoaaasys08004000ea9ed_acl (c_object, c_uid, c_role) VALUES
> ('/aaasys08/Calendar/personal', 'sxxxxx', 'PublicViewer')
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.438 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: INSERT INTO
> sogoaaasys08004000ea9ed_acl (c_object, c_uid, c_role) VALUES
> ('/aaasys08/Calendar/personal', 'sxxxxx', 'ConfidentialDAndTViewer')
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.438 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: INSERT INTO
> sogoaaasys08004000ea9ed_acl (c_object, c_uid, c_role) VALUES
> ('/aaasys08/Calendar/personal', 'sxxxxx', 'ObjectCreator')
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.438 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: INSERT INTO
> sogoaaasys08004000ea9ed_acl (c_object, c_uid, c_role) VALUES
> ('/aaasys08/Calendar/personal', 'sxxxxx', 'ObjectEraser')
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.439 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: COMMIT
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.440 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: SELECT
> c_name FROM sogoaaasys08004000ea9ed WHERE (c_deleted != 1 OR c_deleted
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.441 sogo-tool[15238] restoring record
> '4E7-4FD9DF00-13-4D8FFA80.ics'
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.442 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: SELECT
> c_version, c_deleted FROM sogoaaasys08004000ea9ed WHERE (c_name =
> '4E7-4FD9DF00-13-4D8FFA80.ics')
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.442 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: BEGIN
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.443 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: DELETE FROM
> sogoaaasys08004000ea9ed WHERE c_name = '4E7-4FD9DF00-13-4D8FFA80.ics'
> 2012-06-14 15:12:46.443 sogo-tool[15238] PG0x0x832d680 SQL: COMMIT
> Speicherzugriffsfehler
> sogo@sh-sogodev01:~/backup/2012-06-14_1455$
> Same problem with addressbook.
> Any help solving this issue would be appreciated!

If you have the up to date sogo-tool, you should open a bug report at

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz

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