
SOGosync crashed my apache with a memory limit reached error.

I set php to allow 512mb and still it crashed. 

As far as I can see (but not fix :() is that the error is here: arround line 588 in vCard.php

                elseif (count($Parameter) > 2)

                    logg("$lus ,  Log plsu key=$Key params is $RawParams[$Index]"); # I added this line to log stuff

->>>>          $TempTypeParams = self::ParseParameters($Key, explode(',', $RawParams[$Index]));
                    if ($TempTypeParams['type'])
                        $Type = array_merge($Type, $TempTypeParams['type']);

When adding a log line to the code it seems it keeps callen it self recursivly with always the same value until it's out of memmory.

1 ,  Log plsu key=photo params is x-abcrop-rectangle=abcliprect_1&0&14&484&484&9xmw5mk3fpmakmxnkpor3a==
1 ,  Log plsu key=photo params is x-abcrop-rectangle=abcliprect_1&0&14&484&484&9xmw5mk3fpmakmxnkpor3a==
1 ,  Log plsu key=photo params is x-abcrop-rectangle=abcliprect_1&0&14&484&484&9xmw5mk3fpmakmxnkpor3a==
1 ,  Log plsu key=photo params is x-abcrop-rectangle=abcliprect_1&0&14&484&484&9xmw5mk3fpmakmxnkpor3a==
1 ,  Log plsu key=photo params is x-abcrop-rectangle=abcliprect_1&0&14&484&484&9xmw5mk3fpmakmxnkpor3a==
1 ,  Log plsu key=photo params is x-abcrop-rectangle=abcliprect_1&0&14&484&484&9xmw5mk3fpmakmxnkpor3a==
1 ,  Log plsu key=photo params is x-abcrop-rectangle=abcliprect_1&0&14&484&484&9xmw5mk3fpmakmxnkpor3a==
1 ,  Log plsu key=photo params is x-abcrop-rectangle=abcliprect_1&0&14&484&484&9xmw5mk3fpmakmxnkpor3a==

The thing is when I comment out the line  $TempTypeParams = self::ParseParameters($Key, explode(',', $RawParams[$Index])); I get my contacts, even with the photo's. not sure if I get doubles coz it's going a bit slow.

Anyway something is wrong there.



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