Hey Dominique:

Log in and go to "Preferences" -> "Email" - What you see there in the field at the bottom named "Filter" are sieve rules nothing else manageable by the user even with an assisant. What else would you expect ?? Free-Style manual sieve rules probably won't be of too much help to that many people ;-)


Am 25.07.2012 13:06, schrieb Dominique:

We run a Cyrus/Sieve Server with SOGo. However, the sieve integration in SOGo is less than perfect (sorry). On one end, SOGo offers Vacations and Forward options but on the other end no easy way to access/edit/maintain/create/... sieve rules - including those two options.

Could a new admin page be created to manage sieve (when available in the server as per the .GNUstepDefaults file) through the SOGo webgui to allow users to maintain their rules by themselves ? It seems that Sieve is already somewhat supported by SOGo. Why not finish the integration and offer to use either one or the other option or both?


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