In our case, I unpack the sogo integrator and edit the file
and set the last line like this:
pref("sogo-integrator.autocomplete.server.urlid", "ldap");
that's because in the sogo config file .GNUstepDefaults we have
the ldap address book configured like this:

                CNFieldName = cn;
                IDFieldName = uid;
                UIDFieldName = uid;
                MultipleBookingsFieldName = multiplebookings;
                KindFieldName = kind;
                SearchFieldNames = ("sn", "cn", "uid", "mail" );
                baseDN = "dc=sogo,dc=de";
                filter = "(objectClass='calEntry' AND mail='*')";
                id = ldap;
                displayName = "Kochan";
                hostname = localhost;
                type = ldap;
                port = 389;
                scope = SUB;
                isAddressBook = YES;
                canAuthenticate = YES;

and of course I set the isi:updateURL to our server.
after then I repack the extension and distribute it.
then lightning automatically sets the address book to "Kochan" in the
file/preferences/composition/addressing menue.

hope this helps.


On 07/28/2012 12:59 AM, Nicolas Cauchie wrote:
Hello there !

I have a question, maybe a dumb question...

If I understood the documentation, SOGo Integrator/Connector isn't
efficient if SOGo server and Mail server are differents ?

My configuration is :
- A mail server (Dovecot/Postfix)
- A SOGo server (lastest day release)
- An AD server (W2k8)

When using WebInterface, everything's OK (ouch!) : mails, calendar,

When I configure Thunderbird with an email account, everything's OK.
(mails only, obviously)

Then I install SOGo Integrator (customized), Connector and Mozilla

Never I set the SOGo adress server... How Thunderbird is supposed to
know this adress to catch contacts and calendar? If I understood
(again..) Integrator customization is only to allow automatic updates...?
My Thunderbird mail account IMAP/SMTP adresses pointing to my mails
server, not my SOGo server, and it's the only one place where I can set
any adress...

Thanks in advance to light up my mind ;)




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