On Tue, 2012-09-04 at 15:28 -0400, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

> On 04/09/12 15:27, mayak-cq wrote:
> > Yes it is -- listens on 139 and 445 bot not 135 and no ldap :-(
> Do you have an other LDAP server running on the same machine?
> If no, you can always start it manually using "samba -d 5 -i -M single" 
> and post the output.

Bonjour Ludovic,

Well -- that was it -- I was starting samba using
the /etc/rc.d/init.d/samba4 script. I'm still ignorant on the issue, but
obviously starting samba using /usr/sbin/samba is substantively
different that with /usr/sbin/smbd (which is what the init script uses).

Do you know the difference? smbd does not start ldap and port 135, but
is started as a child process using the samba executable.

Thanks :-)



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