Le 06/09/2012 14:40, Golliet Joel - 2LM a écrit :

I recently upgraded my SOGo server (Debian 6.0 with apt-get install) from 1.3.17 to 1.3.18 and i have a truncated "from" adress in mails sent by SOGo now (for events done with tb/lightning or web UI).

My domaine looks like "toto.com" ; the from address in any mail sent by SOGo uses "@toto.c"

The "return-path" is ok (full domain name).

Am i the only one concerned ?

I didn't change anything in my config file and i don't know where to search...



I'm glad to see that it seems to be corrected with 1.3.18a.

My problem is over.


Joel Golliet | Ingénieur Infrastructure & Système
2lMultimedia - Park Nord, Les Pléiades, 74370 - Metz-Tessy - FRANCE

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