Le 10/09/2012 18:16, mayak-cq a écrit :
On Mon, 2012-09-10 at 12:06 -0400, sebastien.b...@adil71.org wrote:

I can not change the port openldap, do you know how to do this?

Kind regards
from `man slapd`

       -h URLlist
slapd will by default serve ldap:/// (LDAP over TCP on all interfaces on default LDAP port). That is, it will bind using INADDR_ANY and port 389. The -h option may be used to specify LDAP (and other scheme) URLs to serve. For example, if slapd is given -h "ldap:// ldaps:/// ldapi:///", it will listen on for LDAP, for LDAP over TLS, and LDAP over IPC (Unix domain sockets). Host represents INADDR_ANY (any interface). A space separated list of URLs is expected. The URLs should be of the LDAP, LDAPS, or LDAPI schemes, and generally with- out a DN or other optional parameters (excepting as discussed below). Support for the latter two schemes depends on selected configuration options. Hosts may be specified by name or IPv4 and IPv6 address formats. Ports, if specified, must be numeric. The default ldap:// port is 389 and the
              default ldaps:// port is 636.



yes I know that, but it does not

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