Hello Giovanni,

Look here:


The remote names recommended in the sogo documentation are sogo-card / sogo-cal and sogo-todo. The Funambol clients usually use different names, like card, cal todo. For a simpler user expirience it is best to also setup the same/additional remote names on your funambol server.


Am 08.10.2012 17:17, schrieb Giovanni Bechis:
I have setup Funambol on my server to sync my contacts/calendars with my Nokia 
phone, the sync server is working fine but all my contacts are syncronized with 
Funambol database and not with the sogo one.
Under Funambol/config/sogo/sogo/sogo/ I have this file named sogo-card.xml.
On my Nokia phone I cannot setup any "remote name" on contacts options.
Any hints on how to debug this ?
   Giovanni Bechis


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