
Am 15.10.2012 14:53, schrieb Miles Lott:
Running sogo nightlies on Centos 6.3 64-bit.  We're running dovecot
2.1.10 compiled locally using atrpms' spec file:

We are seeing certain folders created with (1) at the end.  It's as
if the folder exists already and Outlook, sogo, or openchange is
creating a new one with the new name. The only folders doing this are
the native Outlook folders Notes, Deleted Messages, and Sync Issues.
In Outlook itself, I may see 20 or 30 of these folders each.  Of
course, the folders do not show up in Dovecot or the web interface
more than once.

I had a similar behavior with my first dovecot IMAP experiments. Upgrading to dovecot 2.1.10 and a complete reprovisioning of the Openchange Samba finally solved this issue somehow (deleting Sogo database, restarting memchached, deleting all samba/private files).

Best regards,


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