Le 09/11/2012 13:57, Christian Mack a écrit :
Hello Jean-Michel Oltra

On 2012-11-09 11:45, Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:
We experienced something weird, and critical, with pdf attachments
mainly, but with image files too (jpg).

It seems to be related to the 2.0.2 version: we did not experienced this
use case with SOGo v2.0.1

Below, some tests:

- pdf file (named contract.pdf) sent to me by another operator.
   I received it with Mutt, and I can read it with epdfviewer
- I save the file on disk, and can read it, too
- I send the saved file to me on a SOGo server, and cannot read it,
   neither with Firefox (Iceweasel 10.0.10) nor with Opera (11 for Linux)

The op I am working with is doing parallel tests:

- He sends contract.pdf to him, and can read it with TB
   but cannot with Firefox ESR, IE8, Chrome
- He sends to me contract.pdf from Web UI (Firefox, IE8, Chrome, TB) and I
  cannot read it with the Web UI and Iceweasel.

Before testing, I removed the mimeTypes.rdf file of my Iceweasel

Any clue?

We also see this, but it only occures with some PDF-Files.
it is definitely related to the webinterface of SOGo.
At the moment I have no time to investigate further, sorry.

Could you please open a bug report for this at http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/ ?

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

I have the same trouble with some pdf files and with some .doc files.
I can read it without any trouble with thunderbird and save it on my computer. if i do the same with the Web UI i have a error message.
If i copy the file on my computer and do
file essai.doc: Composite Document File V2 Document, corrupt: Can't read SSAT
the same save via thunderbird
file essai.doc: Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 5.1, Code page: 1252, Author: XXXX Template: Normal.dotm, Last Saved By: Luc Neuville, Revision Number: 3, Name of Creating Application: Microsoft Office Word, Total Editing Time: 04:00, Last Printed: Tue Oct 16 13:11:00 2012, Create Time/Date: Thu Oct 18 11:09:00 2012, Last Saved Time/Date: Thu Oct 18 11:12:00 2012, Number of Pages: 42, Number of Words: 4398, Number of Characters: 24194, Security: 0
Thank you for your help
Kind regards

Mathilde Rousseau                       tel: 01 69 82 45 84/ 06 10 27 96 32
Responsable du Service Informatique Commun,
ICSN UPR2301, Bâtiment 27
CNRS, 1 Av de la terrasse              mail: mathilde.rouss...@icsn.cnrs-gif.fr
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