I did as you described and all I get is a blank screen on the webgui of
SOGo? The reason is my entry in UIxPageFrame.wox 
My UIxPageFrame.wox  looks like:
 <var:if condition="userHasMailAccess">
                <var:if condition="isMail">
                    <span class="active"><var:string label:value="Mail"
                <var:if condition="isMail" const:negate="YES">
                  <a id="mailBannerLink" var:href="relativeMailPath"
                    ><var:string label:value="Mail" /></a>

--->My entry-->      <a id="FTPBannerLink" style="color:#1589FF;"
                ><var:string label:value="FTP IAS" /></a
 <a id="preferencesBannerLink"
                ><var:string label:value="Preferences" /></a>
              <var:if condition="isSuperUser">

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 13:58:09 -0500 (EST)
> Von: gerard.brei...@ias.u-psud.fr
> An: users@sogo.nu
> Betreff: [SOGo] My way to customize SOGo\'s top toolbar

> Ideas for customize the SOGo's top toolbar
> Hello 
> As I needed to add some links in the toolbar I thought it would be nice to
> write here how I managed to.
> Suppose we want to add a link for a web ftp-client "ajaxplorer" that opens
> himself into a new window.
> 1) 
>    a) su - sogo
>    b) cd GNUstep/Library/SOGo/Templates/
>    c) cp /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/Templates/UIxPageFrame.wox .
>    d) cp /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/generic.js . 
>    e) vim UIxPageFrame.wox
>       Find the instruction bloc that begin by <var:if
> condition="userHasMailAccess"> 
>       Then just after the end of this bloc and before the bloc <a
> id="preferencesBannerLink" I added my first link :
>               <a id="FTPBannerLink" style="color:#1589FF;"
>               var:href="https://ajaxplorer.mydomain.fr";
>               ><var:string label:value="FTP IAS" /></a 
> 2) 
>    a) vim generic.js 
>    b) just after the function onPreferencesClick I created a the function
> onFTPClick 
>       function onFTPClick(event) {
>               var urlstr = "https://ajaxplorer.mydomain.fr";;
>               var windowSize =
> "width=900px,height=600px,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,location=0";
>               var w = window.open(urlstr, "FTP IAS", windowSize);
>               w.opener = window;
>               w.focus();
>       }
>    c)Then you move into the function configureLinkBanner() and just before
> the
> line link = $("preferencesBannerLink"); you  add your link :
>       link = $("FTPBannerLink");
>       if (link) {
>           link.observe("mousedown", listRowMouseDownHandler);
>               link.observe("click", clickEventWrapper(onFTPClick));
>       }
> 3) as user root we create symbolic links after deleting the original files
> (you
> could make a copy of each of them before making this)
>    a) rm -f /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/Templates/UIxPageFrame.wox 
>    b) rm - /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/generic.js 
>    c) ln -s /home/sogo/GNUstep/Library/SOGo/Templates/UIxPageFrame.wox
> /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/Templates/UIxPageFrame.wox
>    d) ln -s /home/sogo/GNUstep/Library/SOGo/Templates/generic.js
> /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/generic.js 
> By following this way you can create several other links that will opens
> themselves in another window by clicking on them.
> Note-1 : the symbolic links created above (ln -s ….) are supposed (I
> hope) to
> avoid theses two files to be overwriting at the next upgrade of sogo.
> Note-2 : I do not know why but that doesn't work if my personal link is
> after
> the one of the preferences.
> Hoping this can help you…
> Gerard-- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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