Hi there.

I have a very strange problem on one SOGo installation. It's installed
from RPM on a CentOS 5.8 based boxe, SOGo version 1.3.8a (will soon
update to 2.0.2a).

One user (lets call him user1) is sharing it's personal addressbook with
another account (user2).

We're using Thunderbird 10.0.11esr with connector and integrator.

Until recently, user2 had access to user1's addressbook with the URL
https://srv.domain.tld/SOGo/dav/user2/Contacts/user1_personal/ (the
default URL picked up by the integrator extension).

One day, without apparent reason, SOGo started to deny this access, in
our logs, we can see:

localhost - - [06/Dec/2012:10:37:26 GMT]
"PROPFIND /SOGo/dav/user2/Contacts/user1_personal/ HTTP/1.1" 404 62/175
0.086 - - 0
localhost - - [06/Dec/2012:10:37:38 GMT]
"PROPFIND /SOGo/dav/user2/Contacts/user1_personal/ HTTP/1.1" 404 62/175
0.009 - - 0

We checked the permissions on this addressbook, and everything was
correct (we also tried to remove and recreate the permission without any

Now, in Thunderbird, if we change the URL of this addressbook to become
https://srv.domain.tld/SOGo/dav/user1/Contacts/personal/ everything is
working as expected.

The question is, what's the difference between the URLs ? I always
thought it was equivalent, but it doesn't seem so.
How /SOGo/dav/user2/Contacts/user1_personal/ can be denied
while /SOGo/dav/user1/Contacts/personal/ is allowed ? (of course both
access are done using user2 credentials)

Anyone know where should I start looking to debug this problem ?

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com


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