Just came across this as well.
In Lightning 1.9, if you extract the XPI, and edit the file calendar-js/calCalendarManager.js, you'll find the lines below :

        if (refreshInterval === null) {
            // Default to 30 minutes, in case the value is missing
            refreshInterval = 30;

You might be able to get away with changing that value to 5 and zipping the extension back up.
This would work better for new deployments obviously.

I know its been a while since the original question was posted, but better late than never.

On 03/13/2012 07:57 AM, cerrisa...@yahoo.it wrote:
SOGo 1.3.12C, Thunderbird 10, Lightning 1.2.3. Configured on sogo-integrator
inserting the following line in chrome/content/general/ custom-preferences.js:
force_int_pref("calendar.autorefresh.timeout", 5);
But the refresh time in calendars remain 30 minute. Look at about:config and
find calendar.registry.<HASH VALUE>.refreshInterval, but don't know hot set int
in custom-preferences.js.
Can somebody help?

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