On 25/01/13 03:38, Steven Swarts wrote:

G'day guys,

I'm following this tutorial:

Major steps






Now I'm trying to compile and run openchange, sogo, sope as an exchange replacement on the Debian 6 Squeeze server.

So far everything is working as expected.

However part of the SOGo tutorial assumes that I have a user openchange which I've created (I'm guessing from the beginning) but I didn't.

All I have is root user access, and so far that didn't cause any issues.

Does this mean that I have duped my whole system? Need to re-install everything using sudoers and a username openchange?? Does he have to be part of root group?

I couldn't find any information on the tutorial about that.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi, I pointed this out some time ago, just create the user:

useradd -d /home/openchange -m -N -r -s /bin/false openchange

then become the user:

su - -s /bin/bash openchange

then continue where you left off, just type 'exit' after you have done the SOGo commands, you will need to become the openchange user again to run SOGo later.


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