
To disable appointments sending by Sogo at all isn't an option because other caldav clients can't send invitations at all. Is it possible to put it on the feature list of Sogo to support a special tag for attendee lines?

Met vriendelijke groet,



Merijn Visser

Z-NetwerkenNederland bv

Landzichtweg 66 | 4105 DP Culemborg

T 0345 - 53 69 25 |  F 0345 - 51 64 56

www.z-netwerken.nl  |  mvis...@z-netwerken.nl



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Op 03-02-13 10:08, Heiner Markert schreef:
Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2013, 20:33:23 schrieb systeembeh...@z-netwerken.nl:

We are having a problem with the connection betwee iCal4OL and the Sogo
server 2.03. Problem is that everytime when a new event is created in
outlook it will send an invitation. When iCal4OL syncs the event with
the sogo server over Caldav the event is synchronised and also the
invitation is sent again.

Is there any support in Sogo for a special tag for attendee lines called
"SCHEDULE-AGENT=CLIENT"? Or is there a way to stop the sending of
invitations in SOGo directly, which did arrive by CalDAV?

Step 1: add event "test 1" with attendee, invitation is send by outlook
directly (before iCal4OL syncd)
Step 2: Sync iCal4OL with the Sogo server, event is synced and
invitation is sent again by the Sogo server

For this time we still have trouble with the Sogo, Openchange and Samba
setup, so until we find it stable enough we use iCal4OL as a temporarily
solution. It works fine excepts for the invitations, so please be kind
to help us :-).

Kind regards,

Merijn Visser

you can set
SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications NO
SOGoFoldersSendEmailNotifications NO
SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications NO
SOGoAppointmentSendEMailReceipts NO

and SOGo stops sending emails automatically. I think you can use only the first 
(or last?) setting to disable the automatic invitations.
However, this settings will also influence events created through the web 
interface, where SOGo will also stop sending email invitations. Attendees with 
an account in the same SOGo installation will still get notified about their 
invitation, but I don't know what happens to external attendees.

If there is another way to disable sending invitations for events that are 
synced via ical4ol (or another caldav client), I would be very interested 
about it.

Best regards

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