Thank you for your answer. Please remind my critics are intented for a better product.

Il 05/02/2013 16:28, Julien Kerihuel ha scritto:
Initially the abort() cases - that causes samba to die on purpose - were restricted to a very limited set of cases and situations that "should not or could not happen". This was used as a safety guard when we reached leaves of the graph. We almost never reach these cases anymore. This model however got extended to less critical paths for development convenience but introduced the side effects you unfortunately experienced. We can fix this easily: 1. chase the abort() used in non critical paths and remove/replace them with termination or error code + add more logging. 2. Rework the logging so you can identify where the problem initially lies and helps reporting issues in a way that is relevant both for you and OpenChange/SOGo. In this case, one's feature may not be working but that won't impact the overall system and still provide a way to find the cause.

Ok, I am looking forward to see these changes. Strange, however, you did not reach cases like mine, I did find them continously.

Unfortunately, the Sogo/OC project at this company has been stopped beacuse of these dead ends. For now we will use imap/sogoweb/mobiles. For the time being, we will try some caldav/carddav extensions to outlook ($), I will propose to switch to thunderbird. But I really look forward to see improvements in OpenChange, in the future I will certainly need this.

I do not blame anyone but me. I should have tested better the environment, but time was limited, and I had faith in sogo, provided several previous success story I implemented in different companies (from 10 to 40/50 clients with sogo/mobile/thunderbird/funanmbol), but this was the first one with outlook mapi integration.

4) is a known issue for quite some time. OpenChange has the infrastructure to fix this bug but SOGo wasn't using it yet. This is something afaik they are working on this for next release. This being said - and from my experience - I'm doubtful on the relevance of tests mixing Outlook and web interface. I don't argue on the path to abort() that needs to be less pedantic - we agreed on this - but generally users either use Outlook or web interface, not both at the same time. Kind Regards, Julien.

I disagree. I have a lot of people in this company which use Outlook at work, web at home or outside the company, mobile, and they expect to create folders and manipulate their data wherever they can reach them.
I did not know there was this issue. Is that documented, and I did miss it?

Thank you for your efforts, I will continue to follow, as a user and a consultant, the project of openchange, and I will report my on-the-field experience (this time only in testing environment!!)


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