Hello all, I made several tries without success, but I would like to know if it's possible to bind by taking care of the following points :
- Active Directory users can authenticate with cn=login,cn=Users,dc=domain, but it's also possible to bind with login@domain, is it possible to give this information to SOGo? (not only for the Administrator). - Actually, when a user authenticate, SOGo uses the Administrator account to search in LDAP then check the login exist, but I don't like to have clear password in my files, is it possible to bind directly with the user account then use the same login to get the other user information useful for SOGo (with the format login@domain explain before). - If both are not possible, is it possible to make a custom search to find user in LDAP with filter? I've not make some tries for the moment as I prefer to use the way with login@domain. Thanks in advance. Best regards. Olivier. -- users@sogo.nu https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists