Jean Raby wrote, On 06/03/2013 15:07:
On 13-03-06 4:50 AM, Igor Vitorac wrote:
Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote, On 06/03/2013 10:32:

I'd like to tune our SOGo instalation and changing the userpassword from
there would be nice.

So I enabled SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled and can change my password.

After that I cant login with my old password on my email clients. Good.

I can login with the new password to SOGo and my mailclient. Good.


As we use posix and samba accounts in our LDAP directory the ntlm
password is not changed.

And after resetting my password with the smb-ldap tools to my original
one, I cant use that one with SOGo.

I still can login to SOGo with the changed password, but I dont get any

May be somewone can explain me what happens?

    Thanks and regards . Götz

Old password from SOGo cache need to expire to take into account new password set with smb-ldap.
If you want to see password change immediately, restart memcached.
In the nightly builds, this is not true anymore when using the login page:

The cache is still used for dav access though.


Thank you,


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