On 13-04-16 3:16 PM, Miles Lott wrote:
What we do in this case is to rename the file and adjust the updates.php to use,
e.g. 17.0.4a for the new version.
If you do that, you'll have to update the install.rdf file in the extension and set the proper version there.

On 04/16/2013 09:19 AM, Michael wrote:
OK but how will sogo-integrator know to automatically update clients if the
version is the same?

On 17/04/2013 12:03 AM, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
On 16/04/13 10:02, Michael wrote:
Hi. this is a fairly major bug, especially when setting up new users and
importing data.

I just checked sogo.nu and the upload date and version hasn't changed for
the sogo-connector.

Can we expect the fix in a 17.0.5 version on sogo.nu soon?

I said I put the new XPI, by overwriting the old file.

Regards, Michael.

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