
I'm assisting some of the people on the port to FreeBSD.  I have an incredible
amount of questions but I'm going to limit them to bundled one offs so that I
don't create an unwieldy thread.

This one covers sogo.conf location, configuration of the DB/User profiles and
an error generated from a possible misconfiguration.

I'm on FreeBSD 9.1.
Postgresql 9.2
I'm attempting to use SOGO 2.0.5 and SOPE.

1)  I've had to read everything about the sogod process and I, finally, deduced
from reading that it creates the postgresql tables upon the initial startup. 

2) There is a configuration file known as sogo.conf.  I believe this to be the
default settings of the sogod process and it's interface to the
protocol/login/pw/host of various services that it will use. (Correct?)


1) Does the postgresql user sogo need to be created before starting sogod for
the first time?  (I would think so.)

2)  Is there a manual script to create the database tables in postgresql?  If
so, where is it locatied?

3) Does a system user account with a home directory and login shell required
any longer outside of a UID and GID for the process.  (Everything says 'no')

4) Where is the sogo.conf file supposed to exist?

5) Is the sogo.conf location hardcoded or does it take the variable from the
GNUstep environment that is sourced upon startup?  If so, what is the name of
the variable defining this location?

6) I get this error in the /var/log/sogo/sogo.log file:  sogod[82779] No value
specified for 'SOGoProfileURL'   This makes me believe that it is not reading
sogo.conf file that I have as in it, I have:  

SOGoProfileURL = "postgresql://sogo:thisisfun@<DB host

OCSFolderInfoURL = "postgresql://sogo:thisisfun@<DB host
OCSSessionsFolderURL = "postgresql://sogo:thisisfun@<DB host

Thank you for this,

Paul Pathiakis

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