The employee list is empty for me aswell. As for the login Issues: make
sure the username is enabled in openchange through

Openchange_newuser --create USERNAME

And make sure the home folder of that user is created.
You can do this by

Or mkdir /home/USERNAME

Su will give an error about not able to login but pam-mkdir will create the
folder for you (if installled and working)

If su doesn't work and you have to create te dir manually you have to
change permissions aswell.



Chmod -R 744 /home/USERNAME

hope this works for you
 Op 16 mei 2013 06:49 schreef "Deepak Kumar" <> het

> Hi,
> I am able to create users in igestis and Created users is also able to
> login in the igestis URL (URL http://myip/igestis) but the main
> administrator of the domain is not able to see all the employees record and
> the other issue is that Created Users are able to login in igestis URL but
> not able to login in the sogo webmail (http://myip/SOGo). When I looked
> the sogo logs (/var/log/sogo/sogo.log) it is giving some below mentioned
> error.
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR] <0x0x7f184c1f8a10[SOGoUserManager]>
> No authentication sources defined - nobody will be able to login. Check
> your defaults.
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> May 15 08:27:13 sogod [1406]: [ERROR]
> <0x0x7f184c1a8610[SOGoSQLUserProfile]> failed to acquire channel for URL:
> (null)
> - - [15/May/2013:08:27:13 GMT] "GET /SOGo HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0
> 0.208 - - 2M
> 2013-05-15 08:27:13.626 sogod[1406] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) count]): called
> NSNull -count (returns 0) !!!
> - - [15/May/2013:08:27:13 GMT] "GET /SOGo/ HTTP/1.1" 200
> 3869/0 0.107 11806 67% 1M
> And my sogo configuration file is.
> <plist version="0.9">
> <dict>
> <key>NSGlobalDomain</key>
> <dict>
> </dict>
> <key>sogod</key>
> <dict>
> <key>OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL</key>
> <string>postgresql://sogo:xxx@localhost
> :5432/sogo/sogo_alarm_folder</string>
> <key>OCSFolderInfoURL</key>
> <string>postgresql://sogo:xxx@localhost
> :5432/sogo/sogo_folder_info</string>
> <key>OCSSessionsFolderURL</key>
> <string>postgresql://sogo:xxx@localhost
> :5432/sogo/sogo_sessions_folder</string>
> <key>OCSUserSources</key>
> <array>
> <dict>
> <key>CNFieldName</key>
> <string>displayName</string>
> <key>IDFieldName</key>
> <string>cn</string>
> <key>IMAPHostFieldName</key>
> <string></string>
> <key>UIDFieldName</key>
> <string>sAMAccountName</string>
> <key>baseDN</key>
> <string>cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=local</string>
> <key>bindDN</key>
> <string>cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=local</string>
> <key>bindPassword</key>
> <string>xxxxx</string>
> <key>canAuthenticate</key>
> <string>YES</string>
> <key>displayName</key>
> <string>Shared Addresses</string>
> <key>hostname</key>
> <string>localhost</string>
> <key>id</key>
> <string>public</string>
> <key>isAddressBook</key>
> <string>YES</string>
> <key>port</key>
> <string>389</string>
> </dict>
> </array>
> <key>SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled</key>
> <string>YES</string>
> <key>SOGoProfileURL</key>
> <string>postgresql://sogo:xxx@localhost
> :5432/sogo/sogo_user_profile</string>
> <key>SOGoTimeZone</key>
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks In Advance.

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