On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Ron Scott-Adams <r...@tohuw.net> wrote:

> I noticed that OpenLDAP (or another LDAP provider) is required. Does this
> imply I need to create an inetorgperson for my existing local users who
> will have email addresses at various domains? Forgive my lack of experience
> with LDAP in a POSIX environment, but what are the ramifications of having
> an LDAP user and a local user for the same person? Or, is there some way to
> import local users? I have asked a more complete version of this question
> at serverfault.com: http://j.mp/131USMZ Thanks in advance.


It doesn't really matter if you have LDAP users that duplicate users on
your system. You would have to specifically configure your system to use
LDAP or it will continue to use /etc/passwd by default. SOGo can be the
sole user of LDAP on your system without any ill effects. There are several
basic LDAP howtos on the Web. Just follow one and don't be too concerned
about making things complicated as SOGo only requires the most basic of


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