Hi together!

I am working for an IT service provider in eastern Switzerland. Currently we are evaluating group ware solutions for small to middle size office (3-50 employees). SOGo looks very promising from a technical perspective but also because of the native Outlook support. As a matter of fact good support for Outlook is mandatory among our customers. I have played around a bit and have some questions which might help us in our decision:

1. SOGo itself seems to be solid and easy to deploy if you have a working email setup. Our own experiences so far are very good and I know of very big installations as at University of Konstanz and other German universities which prove that it can handle huge amounts of users and scales well. But unfortunately OpenChange and Samba4 seem to be at least less straightforward. We tried compiling them and SOGo from different source versions, compiling them and using the prebuilt packages for SOGo and using the inverse packages for samba as well as SOGo. I never got the Outlook integration to work properly. As I don't have many experiences with these softwares components it's hard to tell if it's due to misconfiguration or due to a not working combination of package versions or other side effects. Which is the preferred way to install SOGo+Samba4+OpenChange? OS is flexible, we would prefer Debian 7 but we use Ubuntu 12.04 for SOGo at the moment because it seems better supported. RHEL6 is also well known here.

2. The OpenChange Cookbook suggest to install an OpenLDAP server? What's the benefit of that compared to using the Samba4 directory? It seems to be redundant and adds complexity.

3. Many tutorials suggest that you select "Always ask for credentials" in the Outlook configuration options for the Exchange connection. With ZEG it seems to work without that option and it would be kind of a show stopper the user had to handle that credential dialog every time she starts Outlook. For which scenarios is this option necessary and what are the drawbacks of not selecting it?

4. What options for professional support are there? Is it always on a per need base or are there any support or licensing plans?

5. Although it is our first experience with Samba4 it seems promising and the combination of a Samba4 domain and SOGo/OpenChange as an Exchange replacement seems to be a great concept for small businesses. Is it possible for the OpenChange server to join an existing Samba4 domain and use its directory? Any experiences with that setup?

6. And in general: Who is using SOGo/OpenChange in production installations up to 50 users? I have no doubt about SOGo being solid and scalable but there seem to be less installations of OpenChange. Iabsis in France seem to do it. It would be of great help if somebody would share their experiences so we can be confident about the stability of the solution.

I am looking forward to working with your software. Again, it seems to be a great product. I hope it meets our requirement to offering a stable Outlook integration.

Kind regards

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