Il 8/20/13 3:53 PM, ABBAS Alain ha scritto:
I try to make run Sogo on a host and the database on another host
i set all the right in the DATABASE Host that the user sogo can
connect from the SOGOhost
on the SOGOhost i m able to interrogate the database sogo with psql
psql --host DATABASEhost sogo sogo
in /etc/sogo.conf i replaced by the DATABASEhost IP (and
too Ldap.. Imap .. Sieve .......and so on)
Sogo "hardcodes" db host you have specified in sogo.conf also in some db
tables... this is the reason why even if you change db stuff in
sogo.conf it still tries
to connect to localhost.
So, you have two ways:
1) the one you have choose: create a proxy/forwarder
2) put an alias hostname pointing to real db server in /etc/hosts, and
replace all localhost occurences in sogo.conf/tables whit it.
Have fun.