Am 28.11.2013 06:54, schrieb Niels Christian Sørensen:


Does anyone have experience in migrating a pure GMail setup to SOGo?

I used to migrate away from Google Apps some time ago with different stations in between until I reached SOGo.

I don't know if there are tools existing for doing the data export in a "batch" job for all of your users.

Besides SOGo, you need to have a running mail system (e.g. Postfix+Dovecot) and authentication system (LDAP or SQL etc.).

As far as I know, Google allows you to export the user data, which would be:

- E-Mails: you can export all E-Mails via IMAP and import them into your existing mail system via IMAP. - Calendar: Google allows exporting every calendar in iCal format which can be imported into SOGo. - Contacts: same applies here, Google allows exporting all contacts as vCards (single or all in one file) which can be imported. Here you have to note that SOGo has some restrictions concerning the number of E-Mail addresses and phone numbers that can be used in contacts.

I don't know if importing .ics and .vcf files into a sogo database can be automated, but for IMAP several unix tools exist.

I hope that my points were a little useful for you.

Anna Christina Naß

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