
If you use Thunderbird you can use the "Thunderbird Sieve Extension"

At the moment it is not compatible with Thunderbird 24, just the beta version 0.2.3d or later is, but it will automatically update to the official version when it is released.

You can find it here:


Thunderbird Sieve Extension (  https://github.com/thsmi/sieve  )

Thinderbird API needs to be finished before it can get officially released:
> Thunderbird introduced numerous API changes which broke Thunderbird's backward compatibility. So everything above > Thunderbird 20 is incompatible with the addons 0.2.2 release.
> Try the extensions most recent nightly build. You get it at https://github.com/thsmi/sieve/tree/master/nightly .
> There is one outstanding bug ( Issue 4) which needs to be fixed before 0.2.3 will be accepted by Mozilla. The addon uses > Thunderbirds restartless api. But this api suffers from a design flaw. It does not implement an asynchronous cleanup > method. But such a method is needed when dealing with protocols. Which makes a workaround difficult...
> As there's no quick fix it's unlikely that 0.2.3 will be release within the next month. So just stick with the nightly > build. It should update automatically to 0.2.3 upon release. I leave this bug open until 0.2.3 is released.


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