For the SQL user source, you can use something like the following (see MailFieldNames):

SOGo config:
defaults write sogod SOGoUserSources '({canAuthenticate = YES; displayName = "SOGo Users"; id = users; isAddressBook = YES; type = sql; userPasswordAlgorithm = md5; viewURL ="mysql://sogo:sogo@"; KindFieldName = kind; MultipleBookingsFieldName = multiple_bookings; IMAPHostFieldName = imaphost_fieldname; MailFieldNames = (mail2, mail3); })'

DB schema:
CREATE TABLE sogo_users (id int(11) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, c_uid VARCHAR(128) UNIQUE KEY, c_name VARCHAR(128), c_password VARCHAR(32), c_cn VARCHAR(128), mail VARCHAR(128), kind VARCHAR(100), multiple_bookings int, imaphost_fieldname VARCHAR(100), mail2 VARCHAR(128), mail3 VARCHAR(128));

NOTE: Do not just apply above lines! You might brake your SOGo install. Adapt it according to your configuration.


Christian Mack wrote, On 08/01/2014 12:18:
Hello Michael Vogel

Am 2013-12-31 02:03, schrieb Michael Vogel:
I haven't really found a way to use "MailFieldNames" with out
postfixadmin.AFAIK this fields defaults to the field "mail". How do I
handle the case of multiple mail adresses? How are they separated?

In LDAP schema inetOrgPerson attribute "mail" is multivalued.
Therefore you just add another one for the second email address.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


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