Thanks Christian for your response. 

I am trying to implement groups as describe in page 22.

I applied the changes however it does not change that sogo does not start. One 
defined UserSource in SOGOUserSources is ok however 2 won't start. 
I tried to separate the 2 sources with and without comma but nothing seems to 

2014-01-27 18:32:01.944 sogo-ealarms-notify[15827] File NSDictionary.m: 625. In 
-[NSDictionary initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file '/etc/sogo/sogo.conf' 
does not contain a dictionary
<0x0x1cd1b50[SOGoStartupLogger]> Cannot read configuration from 
'/etc/sogo/sogo.conf'. Aborting

I am getting above error message. Do I have a syntactical problem? 
I think the error message is misleading as /etc/sogo/sogo.conf can be read.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Christian Mack
Sent: Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014 13:39
Subject: Re: [SOGo] SOGo does not start with 2 SOGoUserSources

Hello Cedric Perrot

Am 2014-01-14 20:44, schrieb Cedric Perrot:
> I am having an issue with installing groups. As soon as I add an 
> additional user source sogo doesn’t start up.
> As soon as I add the second source with type = ldap; sogo fails to start.
> I am not getting any logs in /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
> Can anyone help?
> This is my SOGoUserSources:
>     SOGoUserSources = (
>                 {
>                     CNFieldName = displayName;
>                     IDFieldName = cn;
>                     MailFieldNames = (
>                                                mail,
>                                                otherMailbox
>                     );
>                     SearchFieldNames = (
>                                                sn,
>                                                sAMAccountName,
>                                                mail,
>                                                otherMailbox,
>                                                displayName,
>                                                title
>                     );
>                     UIDFieldName = mailNickName;
>                     baseDN = "cn=users,dc=pesto,dc=net";
>                     bindDN = "cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=pesto,dc=net";
>                     bindFields = (
>                                                mailNickname
>                     );
>                     bindPassword = xxxxxxx;
>                     canAuthenticate = YES;
>                     displayName = "Shared Addresses";
>                     hostname = "";
>                     id = samba;
>                     isAddressBook = YES;
>                     mapping = {
>                                                mozillasecondemail = 
> otherMailbox;
>                                                mozillaworkurl = wWWHomePage;
>                                                nsaimid = sAMAccountName;
>                                                street = streetAddress;
>                     };
>                 },
< cut >

Try instead with:
                mapping = {
                        mozillasecondemail =  ("otherMailbox", 
                        mozillaworkurl = ("wWWHomePage", "mozillaworkurl");
                        nsaimid = ("sAMAccountName", "nsaimid");
                        street = ("streetAddress", "street");

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz


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