This is the error I'm seeing in the sogo log:

2014-02-04 21:29:17.329 sogod[14111] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) length]):
called NSNull -length (returns 0) !!!
Feb 04 21:29:17 sogod [14111]: <0x0x7f84334d1300[NGSendMail]> wrote 1,
length 872 - - [04/Feb/2014:21:29:17 GMT] "POST
/SOGo/so/JohnDoe/Mail/0/folderDrafts/newDraft1391549183-1/send HTTP/1.1"
200 21/317 3.030 - - 0 - - [04/Feb/2014:21:29:20 GMT] "POST
/SOGo/so/JohnDoe/Mail//0/folderSent/uids HTTP/1.1" 200 46/46 2.502 - - 0 - - [04/Feb/2014:21:29:22 GMT] "POST
/SOGo/so/JohnDoe/Mail//0/folderSent/headers HTTP/1.1" 200 599/12 2.229 - - 0
Feb 04 21:29:44 sogod [14111]: <0x0x7f8433645110[NGImap4ResponseParser]>
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseData]): got content size '0'!
Feb 04 21:29:44 sogod [14111]: <0x0x7f8433645110[NGImap4ResponseParser]>
ERROR(-[NGImap4ResponseParser _parseBodyContent]): got no data.
Feb 04 21:29:44 sogod [14111]: <0x0x7f8433645110[NGImap4ResponseParser]>
ERROR: got no body content for key: 'body[1]'
Feb 04 21:29:44 sogod [14111]: [ERROR] <0x337647B0[SOGoMailObject]:7>
got no data for key: body[1]

On 02/03/2014 04:09 PM, Danté Bell wrote:
> Hi,
> If I send text emails, everything is fine.
> But, if I compose HTML emails, it looks like the email body is empty,
> but the headers are intact and the emails are indeed received.
> Here's the dump of one of the emails from the originators .Sent folder
> (also, why is this in .Sent, not in Sent (w/o the .)????):  Notice the
> <html></html> near the end.
> cat,S=782,W=805:2,S
> User-Agent: SOGoMail 2.1.2
> X-Forward:
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> from: "DanteBell" <DanteBell@sfpi-test.local>
> subject: HTML Email
> message-id: <fae-52f00380-b-ace8f90@35644917>
> to: "JohnDoe Account" <JohnDoe@sfpi-test.local>
> content-type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary="----=_=-_OpenGroupware_org_NGMime-4014-1391461253.606799-0------"
> date: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 21:00:53 +0000
> ------=_=-_OpenGroupware_org_NGMime-4014-1391461253.606799-0------
> content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> content-length: 0
> content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
> ------=_=-_OpenGroupware_org_NGMime-4014-1391461253.606799-0------
> content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
> content-length: 13
> content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
> <html></html>
> ------=_=-_OpenGroupware_org_NGMime-4014-1391461253.606799-0--------
> Not sure what to look at here -


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