Hi there

My Company decides within the next days about a new solution for groupware. I 
am fighting for SOGo :) Currently we have MS$ Exchange 2007 with an large 
Calendar and an Adressbook for the whole company. My people I’ve suggested to 
switch from Outlook 2010 and 2011 (Mac) to Thunderbird. Only a few people like 
the Managers should still use Outlook 2010.
I hope I am right here to get some suggestions about an Migration from  
Exchange 2007 to SOGo.

For migrating the Mails from exchange to an Imapserver like Dbmail or Dovecot 
what would be the best way? imapsync?
Currently I have no clue to migrate the calendar and the addressbook to SOGo. 
An export from client site and import to SOGo would violate against the policy 
of my company. What would be best practice to get an solution?

Cheers Darko



Darko Hojnik, Administrator
Tel. +49 (221) 589808-35
Fax +49 (221) 589808-11
» dhoj...@brainbits.net<mailto:dhoj...@brainbits.net>           brainbits GmbH
Kommunikation & Systeme
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