Unfortunately I don't have the sogo.conf file that was the one that worked over port 444 (grep 444 * in my sogo dir brings up nothing). Here's a few lines from the nginx conf file:
## this one is for the SOGo web client server { listen; server_name mail.mydomain.com; #root /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/; root /var/www/mail.mydomain.com; ssl on; On Friday, February 21, 2014 6:21 PM, Kevin <kbra...@live.com> wrote: Would you be able to share your SOGo.conf file that you used? Thanks "J." wrote in message news:1393032178.21878.yahoomail...@web122103.mail.ne1.yahoo.com... We were able to get sogo working over ssl on nginx with port 444 (meaning that to log into the sogo web client we could do that over part 444). The browser complains, but it did work. We were even able to get Thunderbird working, but had trouble getting integrator working because it wasn't connecting and wouldn't offer to add an exception (from what I can remember). We gave up, bought a ssl cert and just used 443 in the end and had help from Inverse setting it up. -- users@sogo.nu https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists-- users@sogo.nu https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists