Ok, thanks!
Have a good day!

Le 25/02/2014 18:43, Janis Hamme a écrit :
Yes that field is missing. Your SOGo password is used for IMAP Authentication. When external imap servers are used (as primary imap account), a user must change his sogo password manually when the IMAP password has changed.

For the other parameters (login name, imap server) you can add database fields or set them globally for a user source.

On 02/25/2014 05:59 PM, sr wrote:
Thanks for the answer,

Ok it's seems to be a little hard to do, specially for the imap password ( it's missing the feature IMAPPasswordFieldName ) ...
Tell me if I'm wrong but I think that it could be resolved by:
- create new fields in Sogo postgresql database ( IMAPname, IMAPpass )
- enter with sql commands of each user imap login and password
- In sogo.conf, use IMAPLoginFieldName = "IMAPname";


Le 25/02/2014 12:55, Janis Hamme a écrit :


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