Am 28.02.2014 23:02, schrieb Sven Marth:
> Hi,
> I tried to setup ActiveSync in SOGo-2.2.0 without success. Contacts,
> Calendar and Mail are empty. With Outlook 2013 I got the complete but
> empty folder-list. The sogo.log has the following entries:
> Nexus4:
> sogod[23124] -[WEClientCapabilities initWithRequest:]: Unknown WebClient: 
> user-agent='Android/4.3-EAS-1.3'
> HTC-TouchDiamond:
> sogod[14771] -[WEClientCapabilities initWithRequest:]: Unknown WebClient: 
> user-agent='MSFT-PPC/5.2.5086'
> Outlook 2013:
> sogod[2426] -[WEClientCapabilities initWithRequest:]: Unknown WebClient: 
> user-agent='Microsoft.Outlook.15'
> ...
> EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x7f89e55a7b88> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException 
> REASON:SoHTTPException(instance) does not recognize component:secure: 
> INFO:(null)
> My Apache-SOGo-config:
> -8<-8<-
> Alias /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/ 
> /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/
> Alias /SOGo/WebServerResources/ /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/
> AliasMatch /SOGo/so/ControlPanel/Products/(.*)/Resources/(.*) 
> /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/$1.SOGo/Resources/$2
> # SOGo-Base
> <Directory /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/>
>     AllowOverride None
>     # Explicitly allow caching of static content to avoid browser specific 
> behavior.
>     # A resource's URL MUST change in order to have the client load the new 
> version.
>     <IfModule expires_module>
>         ExpiresActive On
>         ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"
>     </IfModule>
>     Require all granted
> </Directory>
> <LocationMatch 
> "^/SOGo/so/ControlPanel/Products/.*UI/Resources/.*\.(jpg|png|gif|css|js)">
>     SetHandler default-handler
> </LocationMatch>
> ProxyRequests Off
> SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> # To avoid worker sharing, sort the worker definitions by URL length, 
> # starting with the longest worker URL
> ProxyPass /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync 
> retry=60 
> connectiontimeout=5 timeout=360
> ProxyPass /principals retry=0
> ProxyPass /SOGo retry=0
> <Proxy>
>   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "443"
>   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-name" ""
>   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" "";
>   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-protocol" "HTTP/1.0"
>   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
>   Require all granted
> </Proxy>
> # For Apple autoconfiguration
> <IfModule rewrite_module>
>   RewriteEngine On
>   RewriteRule ^/.well-known/caldav/?$ /SOGo/dav [R=301]
>   RewriteRule ^/.well-known/carddav/?$ /SOGo/dav [R=301]
> </IfModule>
> -8<-8<-
> Any ideas?
> Sven

with a second, fresh created account everything works fine. I think in
My first test-account are to many mails.



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