On 02.03.14 22:11, Johannes Kastl wrote:
> On 02.03.14 19:01 J. wrote:
>> I've been trying to get access to the shared address books in the
>> contacts app on Mac OS, but all I'm getting is each users personal
>> contacts. Has anyone gotten that working? Thanks.
> Don't know how Sogo handles this, owncloud uses more than one
> adressbook for each user. And OSX can handle only one adressbook for
> each account, if I am not mistaken.

The Contacts App can use more than one remote addressbook.

In our setup the Contacts App of 10.9 works fine with Sogo over CardDAV.

We use port 443 and port 8443 with a RewriteRule for /pricipals/users
and /.well-known/ so I only enter the host name when setting up the
account in OSX.


Dr. Robert Casties -- Information Technology Group
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Boltzmannstr. 22, D-14195 Berlin
Tel: +49/30/22667-342 Fax: -299

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