It sounds as though you need to setup the MX (Mail Exchange) entry in DNS While you're at it, make sure you have the Name Server properly identified both inside and outside the company.

SOGo ZEG has nothing to do with it (unless you're also running DNS on the ZEG)

On 03/26/2014 10:00 AM, Steve Boley wrote:
To receive email your mail dns settings point to the correct server to receive the mail. You alluded to a change of modem/router so therefore it's more than likely firewall/dns issues that are causing your problems.

Get outside your network and see if you can ping your email address and then see if you can hit your imap server with telnet and you will start getting answers to what is probably wrong.
On 3/25/2014 7:04 PM, Joe wrote:

I have had SOGo ZEG installed on my server for 8 or 9 months, receiving and
sending emails through the Web Portal. I was never able to configure
Thunderbird or my Android phone to send messages.

However, my problem now is much worse. The modem / router had to be replaced.
This caused considerable problems in re-establishing all the settings.
Eventually, I have all of my servers except SOGo ZEG working properly.

SOGo ZEG is comprised of four servers SOGo, LDAP, Cyrus and Postfix.

I can send, but not receive emails. I have tried for days googling and poring over documentation to see if there is some setting that is wrong. Nothing
resolves the problem.

One frustration is the complexity of getting four servers working together. In
following advice found through internet searches, the danger is that the
advice may be for a setting that is for a different version of the server. So, for example, I found some very clear documentation for Cyrus, but it was from
10 years ago. I ignored that and decided to focus on Cyrus provided
documentation for my version (2.4.12-2).

I read through the documentation for my version, double checking this against my settings. What I discovered is that several of the directories and files
mentioned do not exist on my server.

Since, I installed everything through ZEG, I figure that SOGo has customized
Cyrus and probably some of the other servers, so some of the Cyrus
documentation was not relevant.

I also poured over the SOGo documentation double checking my settings. I could
not find anything that made a difference.

Does anyone have advice on troubleshooting this issue (can send, but can't
receive emails)?  Has anyone else run into this problem and resolved it?




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