
when I tried to invite people/resources to a meeting, I noted that their
free/busy information is off by 23 h. E.g. if I have a meeting on the
1st of April at 14:00, I am being shown as occupied on the 2nd of April
at 13:00. This happens consistently for all events and only in the web
interface. In Thunderbird/Ligthning the free/busy time is shown

It started happening recently but I do not know if it is due to SOGo
upgrade to 2.2.2 (from 2.1.1b ) or by the daylight saving time which
started on the 30th.

Does this happen for anyone else? It is quite a serious problem.

Regards, Pavel
Pavel Cahyna
Ustav fyziky plazmatu AV CR/Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i.
Za Slovankou 3
182 00 Prague 8
Czech Republic
tel. +420 2 6605 3564
E.164 (H.323) 00420266053564

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