Hi completely new to linux, samba and sogo, so please be gentle. Found some
great walkthroughs for setup, but they all seem to be on the early releases of
Samba4. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Samba v4.2. Just got that working,
including setting GPO's, folder redirection etc. and was really pleased with
myself. Then I started on the Sogo installation and completely broke Samba.
For some reason it tries to reprovision samba, which I don't think is the real
issue. The issue I think is that it would seem that previous versions of Samba
seem to be under /etc/samba where the version I have is under /usr/local/
I'm not asking for anybody to help fix this (although it would be nice) but is
there anywhere I can keep an eye on development to let me know when things
have progressed to this level?
I can't seem to find anything online as to why samba moved the directory yet,
but I'll keep pursuing that angle as it seems to be a big problem with
anything that integrates.

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