Hello ABBAS Alain

Am 2014-04-14 11:47, schrieb ABBAS Alain:
> since the last version of Sogo we have a strange issue with
> read/unread messages in folders in the webmail When a mail arrive it
> is unread , the first time that the user click on the mail (one time
> for a display on the thrird pane or even a double click the mail is
> marked read, at the next refresh or when your click on "check mail"
> the mail become again unread , if you click again on it the mail is
> effectively read.
> somebody could confirm ? i m with the 'french translation of the
> webmail) version : dpkg -l|grep -i sogo 
> ii  sogo 2.2.3-1                      a modern and scalable groupware
> ii  sogo-activesync 2.2.3-1           a modern and scalable groupware
> - ActiveSync module
> mail store is cyrus-imap

Yes, I can confirm this.

Kind regards,

Christian Mack
Abteilung Basisdienste
KIM IT-Services
Universität Konstanz

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