Title: BTS activities for Monday, April 14 2014

BTS Activities

Home page: http://www.sogo.nu/bugs
Project: SOGo
For the period covering: Monday, April 14 2014

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
2688 2014-04-14 15:17:33 updated (open) ActiveSync Missing folders list update
2705 2014-04-14 11:58:13 updated (open) Apple iCal.app Delegated Calendars Appear as Users Own Calendar
2707 2014-04-14 08:38:12 updated (open) Backend Calendar Wrong Time/timezone for accepted event showing in iPhone and Thunderbird, shows correct in SOGo web GUI
2715 2014-04-14 13:47:34 updated (open) GUI unread/read flag remain unread even if the mail is show the first time
2714 2014-04-14 09:51:03 updated (open) with SOGo Read-Only Shared Address Boooks - updates fail if user updates local copy

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