Our service sogo crashes several times a day (process 100% cpu, pid xxxx 
has-been hanging in the same request for ...). If I stop the process and 
restarts sogo works fine (so I concluded that it is not a resource problem - 
ldap, imap, case: no error on these servers - ). 
Here is our configuration: 
VM: sogo server 2.2.3-1 centos 6.5 (8cpu 8GB) 
CAS, LDAP, IMAP/SIEVE postgres different servers 
Nrb potential USERS: 1500 

Sogo configuration: 
/etc/sysconfig = prefork = 12 
WOListenQueueSize = 64; 
SxVMemLimit = 600; 
Do you have any idea? 
I watched with gdp -p <processs to 100%>: I have nothing particular to (I'm not 
a specialist gdb) 
Thank you for your help. 

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