Hi Ludovic Marcotte,

thanks for the info:

The result of telnet from SOGO1 is:

telnet sogosrv 4190

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
"IMPLEMENTATION" "Dovecot Pigeonhole"
"SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress
comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables
body enotify environment mailbox date ihave"
"NOTIFY" "mailto"
"VERSION" "1.0"
OK "Dovecot ready."

authenticate "plain" "xxx..."
OK "Logged in."


the result of telnet from SOGO2 is:

telnet sogosrv 4190

Connected to sogodb.
Escape character is '^]'.
"IMPLEMENTATION" "Dovecot Pigeonhole"
"SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress
comparator-i;ascii-umeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables
body enotify environment mailbox ate ihave"
"NOTIFY" "mailto"
"SASL" ""
"VERSION" "1.0"
OK "Dovecot ready."

authenticate "plain" "XXX..."
NO [ENCRYPT-NEEDED] "Authentication not allowed until SSL/TLS is enabled."
BYE "Disconnected for inactivity."
Connection closed by foreign host.

I hope it is helpful

Do you neet some config files ?

thanks for your help

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