When using the ActiveSync mobile client connection, I see some strange
errors being logged by the IMAP server. :

Jul  3 16:17:18 messaging Archiveopteryx: 29924/2/13 Unknown command.
Line: "22 getannotation \"*\" \"/comment\" \"value.priv\""
Jul  3 16:17:18 messaging Archiveopteryx: 29924/2/13 Unknown command.
Line: "23 setannotation \"INBOX\" \"/comment\" (\"value.priv\"
Jul  3 16:17:31 messaging Archiveopteryx: 29924/2/13 Unknown command.
Line: "25 setannotation \"Trash\" \"/comment\" (\"value.priv\"
Jul  3 16:17:46 messaging Archiveopteryx: 29924/2/13 Unknown command.
Line: "27 setannotation \"Sent\" \"/comment\" (\"value.priv\"
Jul  3 16:18:02 messaging Archiveopteryx: 29924/2/13 Unknown command.
Line: "29 setannotation \"Drafts\" \"/comment\" (\"value.priv\"

Checking with the Archiveopteryx developers, they suggest this is use of 
ANNOTATEMORE extension even through this is not advertised or supported.

These errors are stopping mobile devices configuring and reading mail - 
ironically, calendars are fine and even sending mail works provided the inbox 
is empty when the account is configured initially.

I see the relevant code seems to be in :

~/SOGo-2.2.6# grep -ri annota *
SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m:  result = [client annotation: @"*" 
entryName: @"/comment" attributeName: @"value.priv"];
SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m:          nresult = [client
annotation: [object substringFromIndex: 1] entryName: @"/comment"
attributeName: @"value.priv" attributeValue: guid];

Any suggestions to overcome this problem ?  Would proxying IMAP work ?  (e.g. 
Dovecot proxy)

The documentation suggests support for ACL, UIDPLUS and QRESYNC which are 
listed for Archiveopteryx OK.  There is nothign about ANNOTATEMORE however.

Suggestions an/or advice welcomed...



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