On 2014-07-22 11:39, Sven Schwedas wrote:
> Hello,
> I've noticed that during my vacation our (master-master) database
> replication failed (for unrelated reasons), and now our SOGo databases
> have diverged quite a bit between the servers.
> The good news is that each user exclusively wrote to *one* server, and
> both servers have used correct autoincrement values, so there shouldn't
> be any conflicts.
> What's the best strategy here to merge the databases? Use sogo-backup
> for each user on the correct server, and then restore on a pristine
> database? Or can I just merge the databases directly?

*bump* Any opinion on this? I'm inclined to use sogo-backup just to be
on the safe side, could that lead to any problems?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, / Best Regards,
Sven Schwedas
TAO Beratungs- und Management GmbH | Lendplatz 45 | A - 8020 Graz
Mail/XMPP: sven.schwe...@tao.at | +43 (0)680 301 7167

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