Am 2014-08-05 19:24, schrieb Wolfgang Klein:
> Hello!
> Christian Mack wrote:
>> Just export them as vCard or LDIF and check the text files you get.
> That was far to easy. Why didn't I think of it? ;-)
> The result is interesting:
> When I download a contact directly in OwnCloud, it looks like this:
> N:Mustermann;
> ORG:Sometimes;
> UID:20140318T130134.96bbd18c94
> REV:2014-06-06T15:57:26+00:00
> PRODID:-//ownCloud//NONSGML Contacts 0.3//EN
> CATEGORIES:Group1,Group2
> The shown "CATEGORIES" are synced with Android.
> When I make Thunderbird import this vcard, these CATEGORIES are not
> used, they simply vanish. Thunderbird has its own categories, but those
> two kinds of categories don't seem to be compatible.
> But when I export a TB contact as CSV, there is no catagory at all:
> Vorname,Nachname,Anzeigename,Spitzname,Primäre E-Mail-Adresse,Sekundäre
> E-Mail-Adresse,Messenger-Name,Tel. dienstlich,Tel.
> privat,Fax-Nummer,Pager-Nummer,Mobil-Tel.-Nr.,Privat: Adresse,Privat:
> Adresse 2,Privat: Ort,Privat: Bundesland,Privat: PLZ,Privat:
> Land,Dienstlich: Adresse,Dienstlich: Adresse 2,Dienstlich:
> Ort,Dienstlich: Bundesland,Dienstlich: PLZ,Dienstlich:
> Land,Arbeitstitel,Abteilung,Organisation,Webseite 1,Webseite
> 2,Geburtsjahr,Geburtsmonat,Geburtstag,Benutzerdef. 1,Benutzerdef.
> 2,Benutzerdef. 3,Benutzerdef. 4,Notizen,
> This is more than strange. TB can set categories, but they are not
> exported, neither in csv, nor in ldif.

If you add "Group1" as category in Thunderbirds address book to one of
the address cards, does it synchronize it afterwards for all other cards?

Kind regards,
Christian Mack
Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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