On 4/19/2014 12:48 PM, Thomas Harold wrote:
> I'm seeing an issue where the Thunderbird SOGo connector add-on is
> re-prompting for username/password at random intervals (every few days).
>  Yet I have not changed anything on the server-side (such as the
> username/password) which would require re-authentication.
> Where would I start looking to figure out why the SOGo connector is
> asking for the credentials again?

Any ideas as to what I can tweak to make SOGo log more information when
someone fails to authenticate?

Right now, the only thing showing up in the system log is:

Apr 20 04:29:31 sogod [3249]: <0x0x7f3e85a09338[SOGoDAVAuthenticator]>
tried wrong password for user 'thar...@example.com'!
999.999.999.999 - - [20/Apr/2014:04:29:31 GMT] "REPORT
/SOGo/dav/thar...@example.com/Calendar/personal/ HTTP/1.1" 401 12/188
0.016 - - 0


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