
I want to set up a Sogo server for evaluation and/or personal use.
I have followed the mailing list for quite some time and read the
manual and FAQs, too.

What would you recommend as the base OS? I am free in my choice
and could use any of CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu or OpenSuSE. Probably
I would feel most familiar with OpenSuSE but would not expect me
to be helpless :-) with the other Linux variants - except CentOS 7.
But as far as I can see, I should probably stick with CentOS 6.5
in case I would select CentOS, right?

I would prefer graphical or at least menu driven help for setting
up the OS and the base services (SMTP, IMAP, OpenLDAP, Postgres).
OpenSuSE has a good tool (Yast) for that purpose. But the other
OS variants don't have such a powerful tool - or did I miss
something? Do you have arguments against OpenSuSE for Sogo?

For the base components ...
- Cyrus or Dovecot?
- Postfix or Sendmail?
Has one significant advantages over the one?

Actually, it would be great if I could simply use the ready to
use Sogo virtual appliance ... but the one available for download
is SO outdated ...

Thanks for your help!

Kai-Uwe Rommel

Telefon+Mobil +49 89 32468-120

ARS Computer und Consulting GmbH, http://www.ars.de
Ridlerstrasse 55, 80339 Muenchen, Deutschland

Application Development Services, Business Transformation Services, IT 
Infrastruktur Services
Beratung und Vertrieb zu IBM Software, System x, POWER Systems, Storage
License Management Services, IBM Passport Advantage Lizenzierung

Handelsregister Muenchen, HRB 101829, USt-ID: DE 155 068 909
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Michael Arbesmeier, Kai-Uwe Rommel, Roland Schock, 
Joachim Gucker


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